Joint injection

Our Portland-Area Orthopedic Specialists Offer Injection Treatments for Wide-Ranging Joint Issues

Joint pain can be debilitating, negatively affecting your mobility and overall quality of life. When seeking relief, exploring various treatment options is crucial. While oral medications are commonly prescribed, joint injections offer distinct advantages that may be more effective for certain patients and situations. At Northwest Extremity Specialists, our Greater Portland orthopedic experts offer injection-based therapies for wide-ranging joint issues. Contact us today to schedule an appointment with a skilled specialist at one of our 15 convenient locations.

Oral medications and joint injections are popular non-surgical methods of managing joint pain. Though both treatments have a place in pain management, injection-based therapies offer clear benefits for many patients grappling with chronically painful joints. Here’s what you should know about joint injections, including how they work, the conditions they can address, and when to contact us to schedule an appointment with a member of our experienced orthopedic team.

How Oral Medications and Injection-Based Therapies Work to Relieve Joint Pain 

Both oral medications and injection therapies aim to relieve chronic joint pain, but their methods for doing so differ. Taken orally, medications such as nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) or pain relievers work to reduce inflammation and alleviate discomfort throughout the body. On the other hand, joint injections deliver medication directly to the affected area, addressing inflammation and pain within the joint itself. 

Painful Conditions Joint Injections Can Address

Living with joint pain that disrupts daily life and prevents you from doing what you love can be challenging. Fortunately, injection-based therapy can help treat wide-ranging issues. Here are some examples of the conditions our Portland-area orthopedic specialists address with this treatment:

  • Traumatic injuries
  • Osteoarthritis
  • Rheumatoid arthritis 
  • Tendinitis 
  • Worn or torn cartilage
  • Strained or torn ligaments
  • Bursitis 

Don’t see your painful joint issue on the list? Schedule an appointment with one of our skilled orthopedic experts to discuss your treatment options and find out if joint injections are right for you.

Injection-Based Therapies Versus Oral Medications: Injections Offer Clear Advantages for Treating Joint Pain

Though oral medications and injections are both deemed effective in treating joint pain and are frequently used together, joint injections can provide a superior treatment experience and potentially better results. Below are just a few examples of the many advantages of injection-based therapies for joint pain:

  • Concentrated dose, targeted delivery. While oral medications circulate throughout your body, injection-based therapies allow us to deliver a concentrated dose of medication precisely where you need it. This approach is particularly beneficial for patients with conditions like arthritis, tendinitis, or bursitis, where pain is localized to a specific joint.
  • Faster relief. The targeted delivery of joint injections can result in faster and more effective pain relief compared to waiting for oral medications to circulate throughout the entire body. The quicker onset of pain relief makes injection-based therapies an excellent option for acute joint pain episodes or flare-ups.
  • Reduced risk of systemic side effects. Joint injections can be a preferred choice for patients who suffer side effects from oral medications or have difficulty tolerating systemic treatments. By minimizing the impact on the rest of the body, joint injections reduce the likelihood of adverse effects while maximizing the benefits for the affected joint.
  • Longer-lasting relief. Injection-based therapies provide prolonged relief for painful joint conditions compared to oral medications that pass through the digestive system. 
  • Enhanced convenience. While oral medications can require daily pill regimens or multiple daily doses, joint injections are typically administered every few months, depending on your condition and response to treatment. With injections, you aren’t required to remember to take medication regularly, simplifying treatment management and leading to better pain control and improved quality of life.

The choice between joint injections and oral medications depends on wide-ranging factors, including the type and severity of the joint issue, your overall health, and your response to different treatments. Our orthopedic specialists can conduct a thorough evaluation to determine the most appropriate and effective pain relief approach.