total shoulder replacement surgery in PortlandWhen shoulder pain reaches a level where it disrupts your daily life and conservative treatments prove futile, a total shoulder replacement could be the answer. Also known as total shoulder arthroplasty, this procedure can help you get back to leading an active lifestyle.

Northwest Extremity Specialists' highly-skilled orthopedic surgeons perform total shoulder replacement surgery for patients in Portland and the surrounding areas. Their expertise ensures you receive top-notch care and the latest surgical techniques for the best possible results.

How Shoulder Damage Can Occur

In Oregon, the great outdoors beckons adventure enthusiasts. However, some pursuits may inadvertently subject your shoulders to stress and strain, gradually leading to irreversible damage over time.

High-impact sports like basketball, where abrupt movements and sudden stops can put excessive pressure on the shoulder joint, may eventually take their toll.

Equally, activities that involve repetitive overhead motion, such as swimming or baseball, can lead to overuse injuries in the shoulder. Oregon's breathtaking lakes and rivers may entice you for a swim, but shoulder pain can dampen the joy of the water without proper caution.

Even seemingly harmless hobbies like gardening, painting, or playing musical instruments can cause shoulder problems if performed with poor posture or excessive repetition.

When the pain starts to overshadow your once-beloved activities, it may be time to seek a solution that allows you to embrace Oregon's beauty without reservation.

Symptoms of Irreversible Shoulder Damage

Irreversible shoulder damage often presents itself through a series of unmistakable symptoms that serve as warning signs of an underlying problem. For example:

  • Pain. Persistent, unrelenting shoulder pain that worsens with activity and may disrupt sleep is a sign of serious shoulder damage. Swelling or tenderness around the shoulder joint may indicate inflammation and damage.
  • Clicking or grinding sensation. Feeling a clicking or grinding sensation in the shoulder during movement is a sign of joint wear.
  • Limited range of motion. You may find it difficult to perform everyday tasks like reaching or lifting.
  • Lack of strength. It's common to have a gradual loss of strength in the shoulder, affecting your ability to engage in sports or activities.

When a Shoulder Replacement Is Needed

Determining whether you are a good candidate for a shoulder replacement is a decision that should be made in consultation with an experienced orthopedic surgeon. They will thoroughly evaluate your medical history, conduct a physical examination, and order imaging tests to assess the condition of your shoulder joint. Here are some factors that may indicate you could be a suitable candidate for a shoulder replacement:

  • Severe shoulder pain. If you experience persistent and debilitating shoulder pain that significantly affects your daily activities and quality of life, despite trying conservative treatments, a shoulder replacement may be considered.
  • Limited range of motion. Difficulty moving your shoulder and arm through a full range of motion, leading to a loss of function, may warrant consideration for a replacement.
  • Irreversible shoulder damage. X-rays or other imaging tests showing severe arthritis or other conditions causing extensive shoulder joint damage may suggest a replacement is needed.
  • Lack of response to conservative treatments. If non-surgical treatments such as physical therapy, medications, injections, and activity modification have not provided adequate relief or have stopped being effective, surgery might be considered.
  • Good overall health. Being in generally good health without significant medical conditions that could increase the risks associated with surgery is essential for a successful shoulder replacement.
  • Motivated and committed. A positive attitude, commitment to rehabilitation, and willingness to actively participate in recovery are vital for a successful shoulder replacement outcome.

Keep in mind that every patient's case is unique. Our team will weigh the benefits and risks of the procedure based on your specific condition and overall health to determine if a shoulder replacement is the most appropriate treatment option for you.